Axis flights seen over the North West Corner, WW2.

After the German invasion of France 10th May-25th June 1940, German aircraft flew from Brest in France in distinct patterns over and along the Coast of Neutral Ireland. German Over flights were sighted, reported and recorded by the Coastwatchers at LOP63 on earlier dates.

Below are two documents from Military Archives showing a German flight recorded in the LOP63 Logbooks and subsequently recorded in the G2 Daily report summary giving an insight into how the details of reports at the individual posts were collated into the daily report summaries.

Below is page 40 from LOP_63_ 02 , date 13/08/40 incident no.189 at 15.10 “sighted low winged monoplane 3 miles east of post westbound Nationality German. Visibility Good”. The G2 daily report summary No.285, 14th August 1940, marked Confidential records this sighting “14.30 -15.20 . Portacloy (LOP63), Erris Head and Annagh Head sighted an aircraft flying in a southerly direction, identified as German at Arranmore and Portacloy. It was inside territorial waters at Portacloy.” Background image, page from Aircraft Identification Book as used by the Coastwatchers, Focke-wulf 200 “Condor”, bomber Transport.

Documents courtesy of Military Archives, Cathal Brugha Barracks, Dublin